25. maaliskuuta 2015


I love my new zoom lense I got as my early birthday present!

Well, Hello there my fellow human creatures!
Lots have happend since my last post. And there is still much to happen. My college course is going surprisingly well (kinda) and I'm not even doing the worse in my course as someone
might have thought! Passed one of my modules and waiting for the grades from the second one. Still so much to do and always so little motivation to do it.. But somehow I always manage.. With tears and pain though.

OMG, I know right! 

Anyway.. since the halfterm is once again upon us (thank god!) I'll be (kind of) free from college work! Well since I am going to go to the rainforest in Borneo (malaysian part) 1st of April for few weeks to do surveys on frogs, birds, fish, primates and coral reefs I'm surely not thinking of my assignments that are here waiting for me to come back.. Even when I have to do a survey for one of my assignments but yeh you know it goes with the other surveys we'll be doing there almost 24/7. But I am damn exited about it! Even when I have put illegal amounts of money into this trip.. and still counting! But we'll see so much awesome wildlife and coral reefs after we go to Mantanani Island for the last few days and I'll finally get some cool experience from the field that I can put in my CV. It's so embarassingly emtpy at the moment..

Next week I'll be there.
And while speaking of work experience I got a place for the summer from Ranua Zoo in Finland for the whole of August to do my work experience that is required for my course! So exiting! I already visited there on my christmas holiday when I went back home for few weeks. I'm very glad my work experience takes place during the summer and not winter.. because it was FREAKING cold when I went there.. And the place is huuuuge so it means being a lot outdoors.
I wonder what I'm going to do there after work since I don't know the place or anyone there.. Well I'll just hang around in the zoo 24/7 so all the animals will think me as one of their own.

I'll be looking after these cuties in August!

After my Borneo trip my best friend is coming to see me (!!) and we'll meet in London since we'll both arrive there at the same time and then come together (oh and jamies gonna be there too lol) back here in Newquay! And because we will arrive in newquay (after days of travelling) around 8am on saturday morning (18th) and my birhtday is on 19th so we will be going out to celebrate my and one of my housemates birthdays! So either we have to sleep well in the bus (which is HIGHLY unlikely) or we really need to take a nap so we can be up all night.. I mean you can't go out on a sunday. Especially not in newquay.
So that's going to be fun.

I'll be going, like this happy tortoise right here.
Adios Amigos!

3. joulukuuta 2014

surfs up

It's been a long time again since my last post.. I guess I will never be very productive with this blog. I'm just too lazy even when people keep telling me to update my blog. 

So as you might know Newquay is very popular with surfers and in my house there is three people who surf. So I decided to go and have a little photoshoot when my housemate Sam went surfing. First time I went to the beach with him the weather looked a little dark and soon indeed the rain came pouring down. So sam wasn't the only one who got soaked. I still bravely stayed there and after 10-15 minutes the rain stopped and I could continue taking photos. And after a while I saw the most perfect rainbow I've ever seen! So I guess every (rain)cloud has a silver lining.

After the rain

The second time we went to Fistral beach instead which is the main surf beach in Newquay. It's quite far away from our house so Sam usually surfs on the beach closer to our place even when it's not as good. Luckily this time the weather was nice and warm, much better than last time! Fistral was also better for photographing because I could climb on to some rocks and get a better fiew of the surfers. But even with the nice weather I didn't manage to stay dry.. Just few minutes after I started shooting I noticed that Sam had left his surf wax on the sand and the first big wave came and took it away. So I had to climb down the rock and run to save that bloody wax. 
After that I climbed back to my rock and started shooting again. But after a while the high tide started to surround the rock I was standing on and I (a little too late) noticed that I wouldn't get away from that rock without getting wet.. So I had to jump down (the water was up to my ankles) and run to the bigger rocks behind me. I then tried to dry up my shoes a little bit in the sun but it was hopeless. 
And walking back home was awful with those wet boots..
Because Sam wanted to surf some more we went to the beach near to our house and since my boots were wet and uncomfortable I decided to go bare foot.. Not as good idea as you might think.. Roads were almost as cold as ice and after standing on the beach with that freaking cold water my feet started to get numb. And the worst part was walking back home. Probably the most painful experience I've had in a while..
But I got some good pictures so I guess it was worth it!

Now It's almost christmas which means I'm going home in less than two weeks! I can't wait to get my hands on all that delicious food at christmas and of course I'll see my dog for the first time since august! But I am not waiting forward to the cold weather. This place is cold enough for me already. Also the travelling part won't be very nice since I'm going to London on the14th and see my friend so I have to sleep at the Gatwick airport before my flight on the 15th.
But I'm happy to get away from the college work for a while (even though I still need to do some revision). My grades for now are quite average (figures..). So I'm doing well enough. There is some really annoying work we have to do like bird watching and mock job interviews. Usually most of my work is done the day before the hand in date. Not last minute at all. I just enjoy chilling and doing nothing way too much. At least I joined the gym and usually go there 5-6 times a week (or at least I'm trying to). My fitness has gone crashing down since I left London and I'm sturggling with the same exercises I did quite easily before. And I've been in a lot of pain.. My housemate Jess is trying to be my personal trainer which gives me more motivation but she's highly overestimating me and my strength.. She's one of the healthiest persons I've met, so I'm trying to eat healthy as well but it's not very easy when after every meal you still feel hungry.. 
I'll probably need two seats from the airplane when I come back from home and then I will suffer at the gym more than I do already.

This time I'm not even saying I'll try to post faster because it probably won't happen..

29. lokakuuta 2014

New life in Newquay

I decided to start writing in english since the range of my foreign friends is growing (not that I expect them to be reading this) and it's good practice too, even when it's just very simple english.  And I finally changed my blog name. I never really liked the old one and had it only because I never came up with anything better.. Now the name is more like me. 
It's average.

So.. I moved to Newquay and started to go to College. It's been almost two months now and I'm lovin' life (except when i have to do assignments..). And having 9 housemates isn't as bad as I thought it might be. Most of them are away now because of half term. And a french guy moved in couple days ago, haven't been talking to him really since I have been locked inside my room almost 24/7.. At least there will be now someone who's worse in english than me, so I hope people will start to appreciate my english skills instead of just laughing at me if i say something in a funny way.. (don't get me wrong I still love my housemates)

Luckily the college is quite near to our house, so I don't have to wake up too early in the morning. Usually 45min before the lectures start. And I'm happy I have mondays off so I get three day weekends! And usually the days are not too hard. 
First I started with the Wildlife Education & Media course but after few weeks I decided that it was not for me and I got to change to Zoological Conservation, which was my first choice after all. So now I'm much happier with my course and it's not too hard, even when the english gives a little extra challenge to my studying. It's mostly remembering the new english words I come up with all the time. So I am not looking forward to writing essays in class! I just have to study a bit harder (yeah, like I've been doing for the past 5 days.. which is not at all) 
Also my study skills suck and I'm just a huge mess inside out. I even bought a calendar to mark all kinds of assignment handout dates and all, but it doesn't start until next year so I have to manage for 2 months without it.
 I'm so unorganised..

Surfers in action

These people have made me change my life quite a bit.. I used to be the good girl who stayed at home when everyone else were making bad choices. Now I'm the one making choices that I usually regret in the morning.. And now my tolerance for alcohol has been getting better, which is not a good thing when thinking about my wallet and what's not inside there anymore.. I have to spend so much money in everything else too. Mostly food. A lot of food. And I had to buy most of the stuff everyone else already had. And somehow they keep thinking I'm rich, which is not the case. I might be able to get quite a bit of loan but then it's not my money I'm spending because I have to pay it back. So I'm trying to avoid taking too much loan. I mean it doesn't sound that good for my future if I'm taking loan from two countries, right?
Also I'm bound to pay around £900 for my future Borneo trip in April (Am I exited? Hell Yes). And I already paid £750 deposit, so no I do not have too much money and I wouldn't mind winning the lottery or something like that.. 

Had a little beach party
Tomorrow will be pretty busy getting ready for halloween on friday and I'm more than exited about it. I just love Halloween when you can (at least try to) be scary and have crazy make ups without people looking at you weird.. And Halloween in England is much more interesting than in Finland. We don't do trick or treat or carve pumpkins like they do here. Which reminds me that I have to buy a pumpkin tomorrow. 

There is still stuff I actually miss from Finland.. As funny as it sounds I do miss snow. Maybe it's only because I miss snowboarding a lot since I haven't been able to do it in a long time now. But I do not miss the cold weather! It's getting cold enaugh here. Not too cold but cold enough to wear a hoodie. Well we'll see how much snow there will be in Finland around christmas when I'm going home for the holiday. I can't wait to see my baby dog and eat some good food! But until then I have to deal with this english rainy weather.

More pictures after I've actually taken my camera out for a walk. 

2. heinäkuuta 2014

It's almost over

Heips, pitkästä aikaa jaksoin alkaa taas kirjottaa tänne. Eihän siitä oo ku 3kk ku viimeks oon postannu. Mua vaan ei oo huvittanu, vaikka onkin ollu aiheita joista tehä. Teen varmaa muutaman vanhan jutun tänne jossain vaiheessa. Tai no ainaki yhen.

Tosiaan Viimesin postaus on kai maaliskuulta ja onhan tässä välillä ehtiny jotain tapahtua. 
Kavereita kävi kylässä ja sitte ite kävin suomessa parin viikon lomalla huhtikuussa ja vietin siellä synttärit kans. Oli iha hyvä meno Ingan ja Miian kans. Oli kyllä ihana nähä Caraa (<3) ja kavereita ja syödä suomalaista ruokaa :D Piti siinä tehä joitain tärkeitäkin asioita kuten hommata uus passi (järkyttävällä kuvalla..) Ja tehä ajokoulun kakkosvaihe ennen kuin meni kortti vanhaksi. Oliki muute ihanaa päästä ajelee autolla <3 Kyllä sitäki vaan on ikävä.
Sitten pitikin jo tulla takas ja palata arkeen samantien.. Lepposasti melkee 24/7 ensimmäiset kaks päivää kiitos half termin.. Mutta siitäkin selvittiin.

Mitähä sitte.. No kävin ainaki Irenen kanssa Bathissa yks pv josta teen varmaa postauksen tässä kohta kuha jaksan. Pian sen jälkee Irenekin sitten otti ja lähti ja jätti minut tänne yksin :(
Mulla alkanu käydä kaverit vähiin, kun kaikki vaan lähtee pois. Ja sit tää yks sai poikaystävän (kiitos mun...) nii se sit hengailee vaan sen kaa.. Opinpaha pitää suuni kiinni tietyissä asioissa..
Regent Parkissa Irenen kaa.

Sitten tosiaan sain varmistuksen että jäänki tänne englantiin vielä ainakin pariksi vuodeksi opiskelemaan :) Muutan tuonne aika etelään länsirannikolle Newquay nimiseen kaupunkiin (lausutaan niinku new key). Se on kuulemma vähä tämmöne englantilainen lomakohde, kun siellä on niin hyvät rannat ja surffaus mahdollisuudet.


 Meen opiskelee Wildlife Education & Media -kurssia Cornwall collegeen, mutta haluaisin vaihtaa Zoological conservation -kurssiin tai johonkin vastaavaan. Hain kyllä siihen jo mut en sit jostain syystä päässy. Ehkä siinä oli nii paljon hakijoita ja tossa mihin pääsin nii vähä et ne sit vaa heitti mut sinne. Who knows. Tai ehkä olin vaa liian huono? Mutta kuitenki sentään jjohonkin pääsin ja nyt onki jo laina hakemus laitettu ja sitä sitten vaan ootellaan. Onneks tää sentään on hieman halvempaa kuin mitä yliopistot on mut on se silti aika paljon. Oon kans Kämppää / huonetta yrittäny ettiä ja meenkin nyt tulevana viikonloppuna sinne kattelee yhen tyypin taloja mitkä vaikuttais hyvältä opiskelijalle. Myös sattui aika sopivasti tää viikonloppu kun siellä on just nyt joku iso surffi tapahtuma niin mennään kattoon sitäki :D Ainoo huono puoli oli että suurin osa majoitus paikoista oli täynnä.. ja tietenkin kun luulin varanneeni halvimman mahdollisen paikan nii löydän 20£ halvemman heti ku oon bookannu sen toisen.. Tää on niin tätä.

Sisko kävi kans viimeviikolla vierailee ja kierreltiin sen kanssa vähä lontoota ja shoppailtiin ja käytiin sit vielä Lontoon eläintarhassa, mistä kans enemmän kuvia toisessa postauksessa :)

Ja vähän yli 2 viikon (16pv) päästä tää mun au pair ura on ohi (vihdoin!!). Mulla on lennot suomeen 19pv (yö hesassa ja ouluun 20pv), mutta jo heti seuraavana päivänä (21) lähetään reilun viikon roadtripille parin kaverin kanssa :) En kyllä malttais oottaa! varsinkaa ku en oo kauheesti suomea matkaillu. Mukaan tulee muutama ulkomaalainen kaveri nii saa niillekki esitellä paikkoja (vaikken tiiä niitä paikkoja itekkään) mutta luulis tulevan aika kivaa.
heihei Richmond.
Sen jälkeen sit hengaan kotona ja kavereilla vähä yli kuukauden ennen kuin sitte lennän takas englantiin syyskuun 8 päivä. Koulu sitten alkaa muistaakseni 15.9, että siinä olisi viikko aikaa ennen koulun alkua.. kyllähän se vähän hirvittää mennä kouluun ku pitää englanniksiki opiskella.. saa tehä kunnolla töitä.

Eli semmoiset kuulumiset tällä kertaa. Ehkäpä saan pidettyä tätä blogia elossa taas jonkin aikaa. (Niin varmaa).

20. maaliskuuta 2014


Päästiin sit käymään lauantaina siellä Eastbournessa, mutta mukaan lähtiki Eszterin sijasta Irene. Lähettiin aamulla 9 jälkee junalla Victorialta Eastbourneen. Matka kesti jonku puoltoista tuntia, jonka jälkeen saavutiin sit perille. Sää oli ihanan aurinkoinen mutta, kun on rantakaupunki nii oliha siellä hemmetin tuulista. Käveltiin eka rannalle, jota pitkin sit lähettiin länteen päin, missä kaikki ne hienot kalliot on. Eastbourne on kuulemma enemmän semmone vanhusten kaupunki, ja sen oli vähä olonenki. Tervettä meri-ilmastoa ja penkkejä täynnä vanhuksia päivä kävelyillä.

Siinä sit käveltiin ekana Beachy headille, jonka vuoksi itseasiassa sain ajatuksen lähteä tonne. Näin siitä kuvan netissä ja googlettamalla huomasin ettei se oo ees kaukana. Oli kyllä korkeita ja jyrkkiä kallioita. Ireneä vähä pelotti, eikä se oikee uskaltanu mennä lähelle reunaa, mutta olihan se ite pakko käyä kurkkaan alas ;) Kyllä vähä mietitytti josko se tuuli ois turhan voimakas ja puhaltais alas, mutta onneks pysyi jalat tukevasti maassa. Beachy headilta käveltiin vanhalle majakalle asti (nykyään se kai on asuinrakennus, ei ainakaa ole häiritseviä naapureita mut hirveesti turisteja) ja takas, ku beachy headin lähellä oli lähimaaston ainoo ravintola, missä sit aiottiin syyä. Saatiin kunnolla liikuntaa ku käveltiin mäkiä ylös alas. Kyllä sit tuntui jaloissa.

Beachy head

Haluttiin ottaa kuvat auringon laskusta ja meillä oli kauheet suunnitelmat et mistä otetaan kuvat ja laskettiin aikaa siihen millo se laskee. Mentiin syömään ja lämmittelemään sinne ravintolaan viiden jälkeen. Tilattiin ruokaa ja saatiin ne vasta vähä vaille 6. Siinä sit yhtäkkiä huomattiin ikkunasta et se aurinko on jo laskemassa hyvää vauhtia.. Ei eka huomattu, kun luultiin sitä merta vaa pilviksi. Käytiin sit ottaa kuvia ikkunasta :D Parempi seki ku ei mitään..?
Meillä oli ollu vähä ongelmana se miten päästään takas juna-asemalle sieltä. Eka aateltiin et bussilla pääsee, mut huomattiin et siitä menee vaa semmone turisti bussi ja sit ruuan jälkeen tarkistettiin paljo maksaa, nii oli £7/hlö. Eli päätettiin ottaa taksi ku makso yhteensä vaan sen £7. Mentiin sit kuitenki juna-aseman sijasta vielä rannalle ja käytiin siinä isolla laiturilla, jossa oli sit pelihallin tapane ja jotai ravintoloita ja kaikkee. Ne oli tietenkin jo kiinni ku oli melko myöhä. Sen jälkee sit käveltiin sinne asemalle ja jouduttiin oottaan junaa siellä ulkona kylmässä melkee tunti... Mut tuliha se lopulta ja päästiin sisälle lämpimään. Ja lopulta kotiin ja nukkumaan.

Tulikohan liikaa kuvia..